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Website – Vojin Komadina, composer’s opus

Citizens Association Chamber Choir East Sarajevo is the implementer of the Vojin Komadina Platform project and the website VOJIN KOMADINA: COMPOSER’S OPUS, which was financially supported by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska. On the initiative of the Organizing Committee of the manifestation Vojin Komadina’s Days and the scientific conference Contemporary and Traditional in Music Creation, and with the consent of the members of the Citizens Association Chamber Choir East Sarajevo, with the aim of quality of availability of materials on the Internet necessary for research on Vojin Komadina’s compositional activity, as well as scientific research papers on to the mentioned composer, on the website Days of Vojin Komadina’s Days / Scientific conference on contemporary and traditional music creation, the website VOJIN KOMADINA: COMPOSER’S OPUS contains a database about Vojin Komadina: list of works, sheet music archive, audio-video editions, television reports and texts about the work of the composer.